Triumph over Trials: My Journey from Athlete to Home Hemodialysis Warrior.

The Undiscernible Journey!


Life's journey is often an unpredictable roller coaster, and my transition from a pole vaulter at San Jose City College to a home hemodialysis warrior has been a testament to the resilience of the human spirit. This is a story of trust, medical challenges, and unwavering faith, with my wife as my rock and care partner. As I reflect on my journey, I share the highs, lows, and the unwavering determination to live life to the fullest.

The Initial Struggle: A Leap of Faith in Healthcare

My journey began with a challenge that many face – trusting in doctors to manage my care effectively. Through a recommendation from my wife's friend at Kaiser, I found myself under the care of a Nephrologist. Little did I know that this would mark the start of a complex and challenging chapter in my life.

The Lisinopril Ordeal: An Unmonitored Path to Kidney Damage

The prescribed medication, Lisinopril, became a pivotal point in my journey. For over three years, the lack of proper monitoring led to the discovery of my allergy to the medication and significant damage to my kidneys. This unforeseen consequence became a turning point that shaped the trajectory of my health.

The Transplant List Saga: A 13-Year Quest

For over 13 years, I have been on a relentless quest to secure a spot on the transplant list. Unfortunately, Kaiser's refusal to allow me on the list added insult to injury, intensifying the challenges I faced in my pursuit of a healthier life. Despite the setbacks, my spirit remains unbroken.

Empowerment through Home Hemodialysis Certification

In the face of adversity, my wife and I made a conscious decision to take control of my care. We attended classes to become certified for home hemodialysis, marking a new chapter of empowerment. This decision not only brought a semblance of normalcy but also strengthened the bond between us as we faced the challenges together.

Love, Blessings, and the Power of Positivity

Surrounded by the love of my family, including three adult kids, four grandkids, and one great-grandkid, my life is rich with blessings. Despite the hardships and the impact of Kaiser on my life, my positive outlook and unwavering faith remain steadfast.

A Call to Advocacy: Campaigning for Change

As I navigate my own challenges, I am driven to advocate for others facing similar battles with healthcare institutions. Campaigning against the injustices and damages caused by Kaiser has become a mission close to my heart.


My journey from athlete to home hemodialysis warrior has been marked by challenges, setbacks, and moments of triumph. The indomitable spirit to love life and live it to the fullest remains unshaken. As I continue to share my story, I hope to inspire others facing adversity, and through advocacy, bring about positive change for those who need it most. If these words resonate with you, join the campaign by reaching out to Together, we can make a difference.


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